Time of the Sixth Sun All Access Digital Package
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$67 USD is +/- £52 GBP, €63 EUR, $86 CAD, $96 AUD, $106 NZD.

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Here's What You'll Receive

Instant Online Access to 'Time of the Sixth Sun' Movie

Instant Online Access to 8 Part Documentary Series

Online Streaming of Album 1 - Sonic Transmissions (72-minute, 15 track album of your favourite music from Time of the Sixth Sun overlaid with the messages of wisdom from our speakers. Compiled by composer Charlie Roscoe)

Online Streaming of Album 2 - Sacred Transmissions (54-minute meditation album created and mastered by Estas Tonne overlaid with the full transcript of Geoffrey Hoppe channeling the angelic being 'Tobias'.)

Online e-photo Book 'A Journey of Awakening(120-page photographic book features the best images from our worldwide shoots in 16 different countries with awakening messages and anecdotes from our speakers)

Download 15x Movie, Docuseries & Bonus Transcripts on PDF

Download 15x Audio MP3s of Movie, Docuseries & Bonus Episodes

Online Access to 6x Extra Bonus Episodes Which Have Never Aired Before:

Helen Barton channeling 'John The Beloved' - Bonus Episode #1

Wendy Kennedy channeling 'The Pleiadian Collective' - Bonus Episode #2

Ronna Herman channeling 'Archangel Michael' - Bonus Episode #3

Pepper Lewis channeling 'Gaia' - Bonus Episode #4

Otomi 8000 Drum Ceremony (Mexico) - Bonus Feature #5

Marc Cuthbert's 'Pirate Capture' Fruit of the Rose Story - Bonus Feature #6


Anima - Ocean of Heart (Vocal Mix) – MP3 Download 

White Eagle and the Grandmother Drum – Journey of the Heart 5x Track MP3 Download

Glenn Harrold Meditations & Self-Hypnosis 3x Track MP3 Download - (Let Go of Fear, Relax and Sleep Well, Mindfulness for Releasing Anxiety) 

Dr Ahriana Platten Meditations 3x Track MP3 Download – (Abundant Health, Chakra and Animal Totem Meditations)

  • Total payment
  • 1xTime of the Sixth Sun Digital PROMO 67$67

All prices in USD

"This is truly one of the most amazing, invoking series I have ever seen. I watched the Movie three times, and would watch again. Along with the deep sincere and mind expanding interviews was artistic cinematography that enhanced every view. As an artist, I 'see' true art in film... and honestly it's hard to find. Nikki & Theo have created a living memory."

Emerald Isle, NC, US

"I am still learning new things from all the different people all the wonderful interviews, so many people together working for the betterment of the earth, ourselves our families. They are always bringing new things to help make real and lasting changes for the good of ALL I have shared so many times I know the http address by heart. Please take the time to watch, it's well worth it!"

Ann C
Weirton, WV, US

"...the service’ provided to the viewer is that you have brought together ancient and long perpetuated prophecies about this time on our planet, from so many sources; and you have delivered them in the voices of clear eyed visionaries of today. Your work makes it possible for us to see their conviction and hear of their hope, and be motivated. Mahalo."

Hawaii, US
